General Information

Daniel Howard

OMS Athletic Director

Dan Howard





    Students participating in Oregon Middle School athletics must register online - OMS Athletic Registration under 'Quick Links' on the left and provide a current WIAA Physical Card available under 'Forms' on lower left.  

    Both requirements should be completed at least a week before the first practice.  A physical date of 4/1/22 or later is valid for the 2023-24 school year. 

    If a student is not signed up through the online registration system and does not hand in their physical form signed by a doctor the week before practice starts, it may impact their ability to attend the first day of practice (and beyond).

    Families that have student athletes at OHS will use the same user name and password to register their OMS student athlete.

    How can I turn in my physical form? 

    • Upload to your online registration
    • Fax to 608-835-3849
    • Email Cindy Halvensleben
    • Drop off at the OMS Main Office

    Call Cindy at 608-835-4891 or email for questions regarding your physical status or for assistance with online registration.

    Please contact us with any other questions that you might have. 

    Athletic Forms and Physical Cards

    Students who participate in Oregon Middle School Athletics are required by the WIAA to have a physical or alternate year form completed by parent and doctor. All athletes are required to have a physical every two years. It is suggested to have a physical before entering 7th grade. Students are also required to register online.  Use the links provided to access forms needed to participate in OMS Athletics.   

    Please note: Football, Soccer and LaCrosse are not OMS-affiliated sports. Please click on the Community Youth Sports link above. 

    Student Transportation

    Transportation is provided for our athletes to and from "away" games.  Athletes should be picked up at OMS upon return from their athletic event.  If your student will not be riding the bus back to OMS after an event, please complete the Transportation Permission Form above and return to the Coach at least 24 hours prior to the event. 

    Also, some of our sports require our 7th grade athletes to practice at RCI. Bus transportation is provided to RCI after school for these athletes, but the athletes must be picked up at RCI following practice. Students traveling to RCI for practice should ride bus #18 or #33.

    Athletic Calendars

    The OMS and OHS Athletics event calendar is coordinated through the Badger Conference. You may access this event calendar in the Quick Links section on this page.