English Learner (EL) Program

  • The English Learner (EL) Program provides support to students who are learning English. Any students who speak another language at home will be assessed on their level of English proficiency to determine if they qualify for EL services. The goal for our English learners is to develop English proficiency and support their learning and understanding of academic core content. EL services will depend on the student’s proficiency level, but may include individual or small group instruction, specialized English support classes, and in-class support in core subject areas.

English Learner Contacts

  • Director of Instruction and Student Achievement
    Jon Tanner

    English Learner Program Teachers

    Katie Hajdu
    EL Teacher (grades K-4)

    Rachel Zidon
    EL Teacher (grades 5-8)

    Clare Zimmerman
    EL Teacher (grades 9-12)