Contact Us

  • 456 N. Perry Parkway
    Oregon, WI 53575
    Phone: 608-835-4300
    Fax: 608-835-7894

Directions to OHS


  • If your student will be absent or late to school, please call the attendance line below to report this information:

    Phone: 608-835-4308
    Fax: 608-835-7894


Attendance Notes

  • Attendance Guidelines

    • Students are allowed ten (10) parent request days per school year without a medical excuse.
    • Any day with one or more hours excused by a parent/guardian, without a medical excuse, is considered a parent request day.
    • Students who arrive to class at the six (6) minute mark or beyond will be marked absent for the period.
    • Medical appointments must have the pass stamped or signed by the medical facility. Faxes to 608-835-7894 are also accepted.
    • Students are allowed up to two (2) college-related visits per school year with documentation.
    • Parents / guardian must call attendance line before a pass to be admitted or leave school will be issued.

    Attendance Notification Process:

    Full day absence
    1. Call Attendance Line the morning of student absence
    2. Absence will be recorded in student record and available to view in Campus Portal
    Late arrival
    1. Call Attendance Line the morning of student absence
    2. Student goes to Attendance Office upon arrival to OHS to obtain "Admit Pass"
    3. Attendance Office issues pass and student goes to regularly scheduled class
    Absent for Appointment
    1. Call Attendance Line the morning of student absence
    2. Student obtains pass from Attendance Office prior to leaving OHS
    3. Student attends appointment (if medical appointment, ask provider to sign pass) 
    4. Student goes to Attendance Office upon arrival to OHS to obtain "Admit Pass"
    5. Attendance Office issues pass and student goes to regularly scheduled class

    Homework Requests:

    • Homework requests should be submitted to your student's teachers via email
      by 9:30 a.m.
    • Homework may be picked up in the attendance office at 3:30 p.m.
    • Please go to the Staff Directory on this site to obtain teachers' email addresses.

    How to Resolve Unexcused Absence Error (3 options)

    1. Verbally discuss absence with teacher within 24 hours of error and ask teacher to contact Attendance to correct
    2. Print absence email and ask teacher who marked absence to sign and send to Attendance to correct
    3. Print screen that identifies absence from Campus Portal (Click on Attendance, Day, Attendance Summary by Day); take to teacher who marked absence to sign and send to Attendance to correct