Tutor Information
Interested in Tutoring?
Oregon High School offers opportunities to tutor both high school peers and also students in grades K- 8. Typically, K-8 tutors will earn credit for their assignment which takes place during the school day. Peer tutors typically will not earn credit, but will use those hours towards fulfillment of the 40 hours of volunteer service graduation requirement. Please pick up a K-8 Tutoring form in the Student Services Office or click on the Peer Tutoring Application and Mrs. Anderson, Tutoring Coordinator, will be in contact with you soon.
Whether you are considering becoming a teacher or you just want to help your classmates be successful, tutoring is a great way to connect with others, learn valuable skills, and make a positive difference in your school community.
Need a Tutor?
If you are a student in need of tutoring assistance, congratulations on taking the first step to recognizing the importance of a successful school experience. By requesting a tutor you are showing maturity and important self-advocacy skills for your future.
Please complete the Tutor Request Form in the fall. Every effort will be made to match your needs with an appropriate tutor and Mrs. Anderson, Tutoring Coordinator, will be in contact with you soon.