Subscribe to OSD Podcast: Inside the OSD with Dr. Leslie Bergstrom We know you're busy and that listening to podcasts is a growing trend. Our purpose is to educate and inform listeners about what's going on in our schools and have fun doing it! Subscribe with your favorite podcast app. Check out for details!
School Safety & Speak Up Speak Out Tip Line The Department of Justice Office of School Safety in Wisconsin has created a SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT (SUSO), a 24/7 confidential resource center for reporting school safety concerns. Visit for more information on school safety.
ORCHARDS Study Update If your student is experiencing respiratory symptoms, your family may be eligible to participate in the UW Oregon Child Absenteeism due to Respiratory Disease Study (ORCHARDS). This study looks at household transmission of COVID-19, Influenza and other respiratory viruses. If eligible, research staff will drop off study materials outside of your home for you to complete 3 nasal swab collections over a 2 week period. Your family will receive a $50 gift card for participating in this study. Call 608-265-3164 for more details.
Forest Edge Elementary School has been recognized as a 2023 Green Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education for dedication to sustainability and environmental education.
All Oregon School District K-6 schools have been recognized as Common Sense Schools, an honor that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people and engaging the entire school community in this important discussion.